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Innovative Waterless Dry Heat Chafing Dish

Innovative Waterless Dry Heat Chafer
Innovative Waterless Dry Heat Chafer

Why do you need Sunnex DRY HEAT electric chafing dish for buffet serving?

evolution of chafing dish heating elements

Precise Temperature Control

All know that chafing dishes need to stay hot or even keep consistent heat, but they often don’t, especially heating traditional chafing dishes with liquid or jelly fuel.

Be aware of your environment

When you serve your dishes outdoor, you might find this will lose more heat than you think when you use jelly fuel. Sometimes you may need to relocate your chafing dishes away from moving air or need to use a wind cover for chafing dishes.

dry heat chafer front digital panel
dry heat chafer does not require water to operate

No more worry for water level

Traditional or even some existing electric chafing dishes use hot water to generate steam to keep food warm. Not only do you need to wait for water pans to heat up, you also have to keep watching water pans not getting dry.

Yet, unlike what mentioned above, Sunnex Dry Heat Electric Chafing Dish won’t blow out in the wind. It can keep temperature consistent by digital control and you don’t need to worry about water pans getting dry. It goes from cold to hot in about 15 minutes. So you can see dry heat chafing dishes save you energy and save money for only 300 Watts power consumption with quick heating up feature and no water needed.

Hence, Sunnex Dry Heat electric chafing dish, as a modern, reliable and efficient system, is a perfect replacement for traditional chafing dishes. It not only keeps your food warm but also improves your food presentation.

Dry Heat Chafer-W21-3622M introduction
Dry Heat Chafer-W21-2362M introduction
Dry Heat Chafer-W21-1162M introduction

To have more understanding about Sunnex Innovative Dry Heat Chafing Dish, please fill in below for Catalogue Download…

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